
RazerGameBooster是一個可直接下載並安裝至電腦使用的獨立軟體.第一步造訪www.razerzone.com/gamebooster下載最新版RazerGameBooster.安裝程式.第二步啟動下載 ...,TuneWindowsforbettergaming!GameBoosteraimstogetthemostoutofyoursystem,changingthesettingssoitcanrungamesbetter.,Playfreegames.EarnrewardslikeRazerhardwaretopopulargiftcardsandmorewithRewardedPlay!MeetRazerCortexGames:PlaytoEarn!,RazerCortex:GA...


Razer Game Booster 是一個可直接下載並安裝至電腦使用的獨立軟體. 第一步造訪www.razerzone.com/gamebooster 下載最新版Razer Game Booster. 安裝程式. 第二步啟動下載 ...

Razer Game Booster

Tune Windows for better gaming! Game Booster aims to get the most out of your system, changing the settings so it can run games better.

Razer Cortex Games: Rewards

Play free games. Earn rewards like Razer hardware to popular gift cards and more with Rewarded Play! Meet Razer Cortex Games: Play to Earn!

Razer Cortex: Game Booster ????

Razer Cortex: GAME BOOSTER increases your FPS by micro-managing your Windows OS and non-essential applications using two core modes: one that disables CPU sleep ...

Razer Cortex

Razer Cortex: Booster Prime. Automatically streamline your PC's performance and visuals for supported games, thanks to an advanced AI with a machine-learning ...

Razer Cortex

Razer Cortex:Booster Prime 是電腦版Razer Cortex 專用的工具,可幫你設定最佳的遊戲設定,包括以競賽設定為基礎的電競設定。

Booster Prime✔️

OPTIMIZE TO YOUR GAMING STYLE. With a single button, Cortex BOOSTER PRIME can analyze your system and propose the best PC settings for playing a specific game.

Razer Cortex

Game Booster is an exclusive in-app feature only for Razer phones that allows you to customize games and phone performance profiles. With the ability to tweak ...

Does anyone use Razer Cortex Game Booster?

2023年3月26日 — Yes, I use it all the time. Helps with framerates.